Services Areas - Quasystems


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Services Areas

Our Services
Areas of services:

Small, medium and large companies continue to invest in productive manufacturing of high value offering Colombia and others countries thanks to its business changes, its trajectory in the attraction of investments, the local talent available. Our profile are in the improvement of the processes.

Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Cosmetics:
The sectors; Health, chemist, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries of the country is composed of subsectors and dynamic. Currently own companies and legal requirements make that they require support and advice on compliance with and dynamically adjust to the demands of the market. Among sectors that are opened dynamically are medical devices, cosmetics, best practices of existing manufacturing. We support the projects of product development and improvement of formulations.

Is a sector large and important of the country. For several years, this sector has participated in the implementation of systems of quality and food safety that have allowed a higher degree of reliability and safety of their products and services at the national and international levels. Many of the products national possess certifications international as: ISO, Kosher, USDA Organic, Fair Trade, among others; that it ensure the commitment with the quality, health and the environment. Which is the consultancy and certifications are moving to companies developing certified. We support of product development and improvement of formulations

For a talented workforce, excellent quality of life, a sector of services strengthened and diversified, among others, are some of the features that guarantee the quality of operations, stability and growth potential offered by this sector.

Calle 22A # 83-61 C2

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